Lip Gallagher Shameless | Alcoholism in Movies | Synopsis This Shameless synopsis examines the Lip Gallagher alcoholic angle, as well as the overall alcoholism in Shameless. Addiction in movies and TV series shows is common, and on my channel Sober James on Youtube, this video is part of the Best Series show and Movies scenes about addiction and alcoholism playlist by yours truly! Lip Gallagher drunk in the Alibi Room Bar Shameless... Jeremy Allen White stars as Lip Gallagher in Season 6 and season 6 7 8, ALL the seasons of Shameless actually! Alcoholism in media is illustrated by this particularly alcoholic TV show, drinking on TV show...Alcoholism recovery stories right here on Sober James, with similar channels like Sober Grid and AlcoholmasteryTV. I'm impressed with the quality of Lip's sobriety in season 9. The more the TV and film industry has evolved, the more it has realized that being "authentic" with their fictional characters and scenarios, is overall beneficial. In the later seasons of Shameless, the writers nailed down the AA message and principles damn near perfectly. But in most of the series, the Alcoholism in Frank, Lip, and most of the Gallagher family goes unchecked. THIS clip, shows lip in season 6 (I believe) back in the depths of his alcoholism. Lip is in Kev and V's bar "The Alibi" (BTW, for a neato site with Shameless Filming locales, I posted the link in the description below!) after getting expelled from college for getting involved with his hottie professor, elegant Helene Runyon, played by Sasha Alexander...he of course gets drunk when that hits the fan, destroys a car and assaults a security guard. Sound familiar kids? In that clip, you can see Kevin and Veronica's surprise that Lip's in the bar day drinking, as he's always been the closest thing to collegiate potential that the Gallaghers have! He's sharp as a tack, but in this case, like many of us, is in the grip of his cunning, baffling, and powerful disease. As you can see, Phillip Gallagher is still droppin that rando book knowledge, and by doing so, unintentionally reminds everyone in the bar of not only his advanced intellect and potential, but of their own shortfalls likewise. Ahhh the justifications and excuses our sickness spins in our own voices! Did you SEE how vee reacted?! That's the disease of alcoholism...cunning, baffling, and powerful.
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